4 color screenprint on French 100lb cover, 24"x18", 2018
The CMYK color process has been used for over one hundred years to print color images using four different colored inks: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Printing these colors in overlapping patterns of varying sized dots results in a large range of possible colors. In this image, four colored blocks are seen converging on each other, making this mixing explicit. The title of this work reveals this technical code, each colored block is related to an arrow, or the direction that it is moving to make this mix.
Flavio Trevisan is a Toronto based artist and designer. Since 2013 he has publishedHex Editions, an ongoing multiple book project which is in numerous private and public collections including the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art [MACBA] and the National Gallery of Canada. Trevisan has presented his work widley at exhibitions and fairs including Plana São Paulo Art Book Fair, the Koffler Gallery Toronto, and Art Mûr, Montréal. Trevisan was a founder and director of convenience gallery in Toronto.
Made in Brooklyn, NY. Standard 18"x24" size for easy and affordable framing. Unframed prints ship in 1-2 business days. Framed prints are fulfilled by Simply Framed and current lead time is approxiately one month.
Frames are glazed with 99% UV blocking plexi and have a shadowbox spacer.